It's July again, and time for my annual party I've dubbed Hamburgerfest, because it's mostly just be cooking hamburgers for some friends. This year was a little more relaxed than previous years, with a considerable drop in alcohol consumption and general rowdiness that makes parties good, but it was still very nice company and also very nice to have someone to take our children's laser focus off of us for a few hours. Nora had fun playing with our friend Elena, who was very patient with her, and was immediately accepted into the Grandmother role (a playmate for Nora to boss around). And there were plenty of women queueing up for a chance to hold baby Ian, which is all he needs to be happy.
I made an invitation this year.
I had to make it twice because of a spelling mistake. I always say "cuarto de julio" in Spanish, which is literally "fourth of July", but that's not the way dates are said in Spanish, so the correct way to say it is "cuatro de julio", which is literally "four of July". It's the only date for which I make that mistake.
I also used Nora's chalkboard to write up a meníº, like restaurants in Spain do. It reads: "Beer, Hamburger, Cocktail".
The bar is stocked!
The spread. Marga made an onion quiche/pie thing that I'm going to have to blog about one day.
Ian, ladies man, working the crowd.
Manolo is our resident mixologist.
Couch dozers.
It was a good party with good friends. With all the complements I got on my hamburgers, I'll have to invite them all back again next year.