At the end of our Saturday Epic Mall Adventure last weekend we stopped by a sporting goods store because I wanted to buy a pair of 5 kg dumbbells to have near my desk to use during moments of computing downtime, like code compiles and YouTube videos. Nora, who had been wide-eyed during the whole hyperstimulating mall visit, picked up some 0.5 kg dumbbells and started lifting them herself. It was pretty she was training to kick some schoolyard butt. So I recorded a little video.
As if I had any choice on the soundtrack...
Here are a few more photos from the mall visit:
She very much enjoyed the clothing racks.
Where could she be?
From some stockings she has, not too unlike the ones she's looking at here, she has learned who Minnie Mouse is, and now every time she sees a picture or stuffed version of Minnie (sometimes she has some false positives with Mickey as well), she shouts "MINNIIIIIIE!!" It was quite a day.