American in Spain

Glenn Beck and I...

June 9, 2010

Oh my! It seems that Glenn Beck has written a novel with the same title as one of my blog posts. While I continue to support the notion that it is important to examine the limits of what is not socially acceptable to discuss in political discourse, I also firmly disavow any notion that the utter nonsense spewing from Beck's mouth has anything to do with such a window. Talking provably incorrect bullshit is not "pushing the limits". Behold the nonsensical "dog returns to his vomit" (there may never be a more apt sentence written about this novel!) "burnt fool's bandaged finger [going] wabbling back to the fire" teaser. It's too bad you can't burn eBooks...

Hopefully obviously I was joking about burning books. Even this guy's opinion deserves to be heard, before promptly being checked for accuracy and discarded.