American in Spain

Rainbow Blanket from Janet

October 23, 2009
Rainbow Burrito

Also in a recent shipment from the Motherland that included some clay keepsakes was a wonderfully heavy and snuggly blanket made especially for Nora by Janet, a coworker of my mother's. Nora loves it, and we've already begun putting it over her when she dozes off in a pile of toys. I also must confess to having used it myself once while on the sofa on a chilly night. Something tells me that it will never be far away from us this winter. Blanket from Janet

Wave Blur

I'm pretty sure she's waving "Hi" to Janet. She continues to prove too quick for my camera's shutter.

Rainbow Burrito

Nonplussed by the obligatory "Rainbow Burrito" shot.

Thank you, Janet! What a perfect gift!