Just a little more wacky weather whinging. All last night there was hail pelting our windows, and today I see that we've got several more days of downpours in the future. It plainly does not mainly rain in the plains in Spain...how inane.
This is a photo that I took three weeks ago from our living room window. There's a little church, called La Ermita de las Nieves (The Chapel of the Snows), on the top of that mountain. They say you can see for miles and miles from up there. Just as soon as a high visibility day comes along, I'm going.
This is the view as of this morning. How appropriate.
A wider horizon shot.
I took this last night. That's hail buildup on the window. This is one of the slanted windows in our dining room. I had to lie down on the floor under the window to take this shot. I like the reflection of the room.
And here's the forecast for this week. Ugh!