To better familiarize myself with my new camera, I just took a little photographic safari around my parents' house, snapping wildlife and interesting objects.
Sam's face.
He was not pleased at being awoken from slumber.
Wide angle Westie.
Buster was also at his day job.
Springer profile.
An urn containing some of my grandmother.
My parents when they were younger than I am now. They had a little bluegrass band.
My mother got this as a joke for my father for when he retires (to know what day of the week it is), but she couldn't wait until he retires to give it to him, so they put it up already.
A stuffed Cerberus doll guards the encyclopedias.
Westie windsock.
A cool cover on the deck table.
Westie wind chimes. Have you noticed a theme?
Indoor westie.
That's all for now.