American in Spain

Boats and Stuff

July 26, 2007

We took a walk down by the harbor yesterday evening, and ended up discovering a boat with a pretty cool name. Yesterday was the best weather we've had yet this summer, and it wasn't warm enough to wear shorts for our evening walk. That's how bad our summer has been so far. We haven't been to the beach at all yet. We went several times a week in previous Julys. CIMG3972.JPG

This reflection looked particularly pretty.


Then we saw this boat up out of the water for maintenance. If you read yesterday's post, you know what the name means, why it was significant to yesterday's date, and why it was significant to us.


From the Canary Islands.


I thought the depth markings were pretty cool.


This cross was pretty creepy, a few meters out into the rí­a, where it will get covered by seawater twice a day. A grave?


This photo is from a week ago, but it fits in here.