This plugin provides a simple way to embed Revver videos into a Wordpress blog.
Tim Gallagher provided a bug fix for the options page. Thanks, Tim!
Added ability to choose flash skin.
Added affiliate ID option
Original version
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Almost a year after I released this plugin, Revver has released a Wordpress plugin of their own. What's the difference and which one should you choose?
My plugin is MUCH simpler and cleaner for popping a video into a blog post using the video ID. The Official Plugin is much more bloated and does a lot more with organizing your video library from inside the Wordpress admin, allowing visitors to post video responses as comments, seeing earnings without going to, etc. You can think of my plugin as the "light" version for people that don't want to mess with all that other crap. I sure don't.
You may leave questions and comments on this blog, or email them directly to me at erikwordpressplugins -at- gmail.